Meetings Without Masks

Meetings Without Masks

  • Are you looking for love, connection, intimacy and relationship?
  • Are you finding it hard to meet the right person?
  • Have you tried the Internet, speed dating or the singles scene and felt it ring a bit hollow? Are you looking for more but not quite sure how to find it?

It can be tough to make real connections in our busy lives. Pubs, clubs and the dating industry can feel like a market place.

So where and how do we find and meet each other in a different way?


Here’s what people have said about their “Meetings without Masks”

“I really enjoyed the day on Sunday and got a lot from the work. I felt it was well led, safe and rewarding. I will definitely recommend to friends…” Owen

“A beautifully held space for connections to emerge. Simple exercises which bring awareness to what’s important to me when connecting with others.” Anon.

“I really enjoyed the whole day, discovering what is true for me in relationship to myself and others. Thank you.” Elizabeth

“For me, this is an interactive, skilfully held event for single people rather than a dating event so there is no pressure and, probably, because of this I was relaxed and made some good connections.” Adrian

“This workshop has really helped me see & experience how to approach relationships in a way that will probably serve me and the other.” Jonathan


In Bristol tickets are £68 / £34 (guaranteed place / standby)

In London they are £89 / £45 (guaranteed / standby)

Meet the team:-

Here’s a link to Ed’s website; I run various workshops with Ed, both online and in person.

Nicola & Jason (a couple) are dear friends and colleagues of ours who also run Meetings Without Masks in London and online.

And of course there’s the woman who devised the original workshop: Jan Day and her husband Frieder Fischer